In most social settings, mobile phones isolate people. At Funny Garbage we wondered: could they foster collaboration instead? Using a sister agency’s party as a testing ground, we created The World's Largest Digital Gobslopper to test our hypothesis.
Given that it had to hold its own at a raucous party, we made this interactive art installation both a fun conversation starter and a bit silly. We also made it something that people could pick up and drop off at any point during the night, and easily do with a drink in one hand. Its aesthetic was inspired by our love of wacky packages and old Ren & Stimpy cartoons.
All in all, the experiment was a success. Not only was it a great way to pay homage to some of the ephemera we love, it proved that interactive design could encourage actual human to human interaction.
Creative Director, Designer (Funny Garbage)
Key Team Members:
JP Atiaga, John La, Jairo Narvaez, Danny Balgley, Junko Bridston